Files | |
MISSING | Computer.BuildPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | | This permission allows users to run jobs as them on slaves. | |
MISSING | Computer.ExtendedReadPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | | This permission allows users to read slave configuration. | |
MISSING | Node.LackingBuildPermission | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | | {0} doesn’t have a permission to run on {1} | |
MISSING | Run._is_waiting_for_a_checkpoint_on_ | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | | {0} is waiting for a checkpoint on {1} | |
MISSING | Slave.the_remote_root_must_be_an_absolute_path | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | | The remote root must be an absolute path. | |
MISSING | UpdateCenter.n_a | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | | N/A | |
EMPTY | HealthReport.EmptyString | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | — | — |
EMPTY | MultiStageTimeSeries.EMPTY_STRING | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | — | — |
OUTDATED | AbstractBuild.BuildingInWorkspace | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | in workspace {0} | ワークスペース: {0} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractBuild.BuildingOnMaster | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Building on master | masterでビルドします。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractBuild.BuildingRemotely | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Building remotely on {0} | {0} でビルドします。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractBuild.KeptBecause | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This build is kept because of {0}. | kept because of {0} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractBuild_Building | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Building | ビルドします。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractItem.NoSuchJobExists | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | No such job ‘{0}’ exists. Perhaps you meant ‘{1}’? | ジョブ''{0}''は存在しません。''{1}''ですか? | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractItem.Pronoun | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Job | ジョブ | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.Aborted | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Aborted | 中止 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.AssignedLabelString.InvalidBooleanExpression | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Invalid boolean expression: {0} | ラベル式に間違いがあります。: {0} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.AssignedLabelString.NoMatch | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | There's no slave/cloud that matches this assignment | 該当するスレーブもしくはクラウドはありません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.AssignedLabelString_NoMatch_DidYouMean | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | There’s no slave/cloud that matches this assignment. Did you mean ‘{1}’ instead of ‘{0}’? | 該当するスレーブやノードはありません。''{0}''ではなくて''{1}''のことですか? | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.AwaitingBuildForWorkspace | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Awaiting build to get a workspace. | ワークスペースが用意できるまでビルドを保留します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.BuildInProgress | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build #{0} is already in progress{1} | ビルド #{0} は既に実行中です。{1} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.BuildNow | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build Now | ビルド実行 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.BuildPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission grants the ability to start a new build. | 新規ビルドの開始を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.CancelPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission grants the ability to cancel a build. | ビルドのキャンセルを許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.CustomWorkspaceEmpty | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Custom workspace is empty. | カスタムワークスペースが入力されていません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.Disabled | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build disabled | ビルドは無効になっています。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.DiscoverPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission grants discover access to jobs. Lower than read permissions, it allows you to redirect anonymous users to the login page when they try to access a job url. Without it they would get a 404 error and wouldn't be able to discover project names. | This permission grants discover access to jobs. Lower than read permissions, it allows you to redirect anonymous users to the login page when they try to access a job url. Without it they would get a 404 error and wouldn't be able to discover project names. | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.DownstreamBuildInProgress | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Downstream project {0} is already building. | 下流プロジェクト {0} がまだビルド中です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.ETA | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | (ETA:{0}) | (予定時間:{0}) | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.ExtendedReadPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission grants read-only access to project configurations. Please be aware that sensitive information in your builds, such as passwords, will be exposed to a wider audience by granting this permission. | プロジェクトの設定画面の参照のみ許可します。このパーミッションを与えると、パスワードのようなビルドの慎重に扱う必要がある情報が公開されてしまうことに注意してください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.NewBuildForWorkspace | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Scheduling a new build to get a workspace. | 新規のビルドを実行して、ワークスペースを作成してください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.NoBuilds | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | No existing build. Scheduling a new one. | ビルドはありません。新しいビルドをスケジュールします。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.NoSCM | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | No SCM | SCMが設定されていません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.NoWorkspace | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | No workspace is available, so can’t check for updates. | 利用可能なワークスペースがないので、更新をチェックできません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.PollingABorted | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | SCM polling aborted | SCMのポーリングを中止します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.Pronoun | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Project | プロジェクト | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.ScmAborted | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | SCM check out aborted | SCMのチェックアウトを中止します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.UpstreamBuildInProgress | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Upstream project {0} is already building. | 上流プロジェクト {0} はすでにビルド中です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.WipeOutPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission grants the ability to wipe out the contents of a workspace. | ワークスペースにあるコンテンツの削除を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.WorkspaceOffline | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Workspace is offline. | ワークスペースはオフラインです。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.WorkspacePermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission grants the ability to retrieve the contents of a workspace Jenkins checked out for performing builds. If you don’t want an user to access the source code, you can do so by revoking this permission. | Jenkinsがビルド実行用にチェックアウトした、ワークスペースのコンテンツの取得を許可します。ユーザーにソースコードを触らせたくないのであれば、このパーミッションを与えないでください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | AbstractProject.build_with_parameters | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build with Parameters | パラメータ付きビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Api.MultipleMatch | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | XPath "{0}" matched {1} nodes. Create XPath that only matches one, or use the "wrapper" query parameter to wrap them all under a root element. | XPath "{0}" は {1} 個のノードと一致しました。 1つのノードにのみ一致するXPathを作成してください。もしくは、ルート要素が含むすべてをラップする"wrapper"クエリーパラメータを使用してください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Api.NoXPathMatch | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | XPath {0} didn’t match | XPath ”{0}"は一致しません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | BallColor.Aborted | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Aborted | 中断 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | BallColor.Disabled | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Disabled | 無効 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | BallColor.Failed | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Failed | 失敗 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | BallColor.InProgress | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | In progress | 進行中 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | BallColor.NotBuilt | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Not built | 未ビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | BallColor.Pending | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Pending | 未決定 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | BallColor.Success | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Success | 成功 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | BallColor.Unstable | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Unstable | 不安定 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | BooleanParameterDefinition.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Boolean Value | 真偽値 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | BuildAuthorizationToken.InvalidTokenProvided | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Invalid token provided. | 認証トークンが間違っています。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.cancel-quiet-down.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Cancel the effect of the "quiet-down" command. | "quite-down"コマンドの処理をキャンセルします。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.clear-queue.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Clears the build queue | ビルドキューをクリアします。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.connect-node.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Reconnect to a node | ノードと再接続します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.delete-job.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Deletes a job | ジョブを削除します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.delete-node.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Deletes a node | ノードを削除します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.disable-job.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Disables a job | ジョブを無効化します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.disconnect-node.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Disconnects from a node | ノードとの接続を切断します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.enable-job.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Enables a job | ジョブを有効化します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.keep-build.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Mark the build to keep the build forever. | ビルドを保存するようにマークします。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.offline-node.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Stop using a node for performing builds temporarily, until the next "online-node" command. | "online-node"コマンドが実行されるまで、ビルドを実行するノードの使用を一時的に停止します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Resume using a node for performing builds, to cancel out the earlier "offline-node" command. | 直前に実行した"online-node"コマンドを取り消し、ビルドを実行するノードの使用を再開します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.quiet-down.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Quiet down Jenkins, in preparation for a restart. Don’t start any builds. | Jenkinsは再起動に向けて終了処理を実施中です。ビルドを開始しないでください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.reload-configuration.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Discard all the loaded data in memory and reload everything from file system. Useful when you modified config files directly on disk. | メモリにあるすべてのデータを破棄して、ファイルから再ロードします。設定ファイルを直接修正した場合に役に立ちます。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.restart.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Restart Jenkins | Jenkinsを再起動します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Safely restart Jenkins | Jenkinsを安全に再起動します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.wait-node-offline.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Wait for a node to become offline | ノードがオフラインになるのを待ちます。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | CLI.wait-node-online.shortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Wait for a node to become online | ノードがオンラインになるのを待ちます。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Cause.LegacyCodeCause.ShortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Legacy code started this job. No cause information is available | 非推奨のコードが実行(起動契機に関する情報がありません) | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Cause.RemoteCause.ShortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Started by remote host {0} | リモートホスト{0}が実行 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Cause.RemoteCause.ShortDescriptionWithNote | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Started by remote host {0} with note: {1} | リモートホスト{0}が実行({1}) | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Cause.UpstreamCause.CausedBy | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | originally caused by: | 元の原因: | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Cause.UpstreamCause.ShortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Started by upstream project "{0}" build number {1} | 上流プロジェクト"{0}"の#{1}が実行 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Cause.UserCause.ShortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Started by user {0} | ユーザー{0}が実行 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Cause.UserIdCause.ShortDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Started by user {0} | ユーザー{0}が実行 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ChoiceParameterDefinition.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Choice | 選択 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Computer.BadChannel | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Slave node offline or not a remote channel (such as master node). | スレーブノードがオフラインかリモートチャネルです(マスターノードなど)。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Computer.Caption | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Slave {0} | スレーブ {0} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Computer.ConfigurePermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission allows users to configure slaves. | スレーブの設定を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Computer.ConnectPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission allows users to connect slaves or mark slaves as online. | スレーブへの接続とオンライン化を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Computer.CreatePermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission allows users to create slaves. | スレーブの作成を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Computer.DeletePermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission allows users to delete existing slaves. | スレーブの削除を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Computer.DisconnectPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission allows users to disconnect slaves or mark slaves as temporarily offline. | スレーブの切断と一時的なオフライン化を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Computer.NoSuchSlaveExists | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | No such slave "{0}" exists. Did you mean "{1}"? | "{0}"というスレーブは存在しません。"{1}"のことですか? | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Computer.Permissions.Title | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Slave | スレーブ | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ComputerSet.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | nodes | ノード | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ComputerSet.NoSuchSlave | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | No such slave: {0} | スレーブが存在しません: {0} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ComputerSet.SlaveAlreadyExists | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Slave called ‘{0}’ already exists | ''{0}''はすでに存在します | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ComputerSet.SpecifySlaveToCopy | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Specify which slave to copy | コピーするスレーブを指定してください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Descriptor.From | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | (from <a href="{1}">{0}</a>) | (from <a href="{1}">{0}</a>) | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Executor.NotAvailable | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | N/A | N/A | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ExternalJob.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Monitor an external job | 外部ジョブの監視 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ExternalJob.Pronoun | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | External Job | ジョブ | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | FileParameterDefinition.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | File Parameter | ファイル | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | FreeStyleProject.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build a free-style software project | フリースタイル・プロジェクトのビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.AdministerPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission grants the ability to make system-wide configuration changes, as well as perform highly sensitive operations that amounts to full local system access (within the scope granted by the underlying OS.) | (OSが許可する範囲内での)ローカルシステム全体へのアクセスに相当する、とても注意が必要な操作と同程度の、システム全体の設定変更を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.BadPortNumber | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Bad port number {0} | {0}は不正なポート番号です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.Computer.Caption | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Master | master | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.Computer.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | master | master | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.ControlCodeNotAllowed | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | No control code is allowed: {0} | 制御文字は使用できません。: {0} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Jenkins | Jenkins | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.JobAlreadyExists | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | A job already exists with the name ‘{0}’ | ''{0}''というジョブは既に存在しています。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NoJavaInPath | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | java is not in your PATH. Maybe you need to <a href="{0}/configure">configure JDKs</a>? | Javaがパスにありません。<a href=''{0}/configure''>JDKsの設定</a>が必要? | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NoName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | No name is specified | 名前が指定されていません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NoSuchDirectory | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | No such directory: {0} | ディレクトリがありません。: {0} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NodeBeingRemoved | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Node is being removed | ノードを削除中です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NodeDescription | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | the master Jenkins node | ノード | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NotADirectory | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} is not a directory | {0} はディレクトリではありません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NotANegativeNumber | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Not a negative number | 負の数字を指定してください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NotANonNegativeNumber | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Number may not be negative | 0以上の数字を指定してください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NotANumber | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Not a number | 数字を指定してください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NotAPlugin | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} is not a Jenkins plugin | {0} はJenkinsのプラグインではありません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NotAPositiveNumber | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Not a positive number | 正の数字を指定してください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NotJDKDir | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} doesn’t look like a JDK directory | {0} はJDKのディレクトリではないようです。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.NotUsesUTF8ToDecodeURL | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Your container doesn’t use UTF-8 to decode URLs. If you use non-ASCII characters as a job name etc, this will cause problems. See <a href="">Containers</a> and <a href="">Tomcat i18n</a> for more details. | URLがUTF-8でデコードされていません。ジョブ名などにnon-ASCIIな文字を使用する場合は、<a href=''''>コンテナの設定</a>や<a href=''''>Tomcat i18N</a>を参考に設定してください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.Permissions.Title | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Overall | 全体 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.ReadPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | The read permission is necessary for viewing almost all pages of Jenkins. This permission is useful when you don’t want unauthenticated users to see Jenkins pages — revoke this permission from the anonymous user, then add "authenticated" pseudo-user and grant the read access. | 参照パーミッションは、Jenkinsのほぼすべての画面を参照するのに必要です。このパーミッションは、認証されていないユーザーにはJenkinsの画面を参照させたくない場合に便利です。— 匿名ユーザーからこのパーミッションを削除後、"認証済み"の既存ユーザーを追加して参照を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.RunScriptsPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | The "run scripts" permission is necessary for running groovy scripts via the groovy console or groovy cli command. | GroovyコンソールやCLIコマンドを使用したGroovyスクリプトの実行を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.USER_CONTENT_README | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Files in this directory will be served under your http://server/jenkins/userContent/ | このディレクトリのファイルは、http://server/jenkins/userContent/ として提供されます。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.UnsafeChar | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | ‘{0}’ is an unsafe character | ''{0}''は使用できない文字です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.ViewAlreadyExists | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | A view already exists with the name "{0}" | "{0}"というビューは既に存在しています。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Hudson.ViewName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | All | すべて | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Item.CONFIGURE.description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Change the configuration of a job. | ジョブの設定を変更します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Item.CREATE.description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Create a new job. | 新規ジョブの作成します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Item.DELETE.description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Delete a job. | ジョブを削除します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Item.Permissions.Title | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Job | ジョブ | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Item.READ.description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | See a job. (You may deny this permission but allow Discover to force an anonymous user to log in to see the job.) | ジョブを参照します。(許可しないこともできますが、匿名ユーザーがログインしてジョブを参照できるように"Discover"を許可してください。) | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Jenkins.CheckDisplayName.DisplayNameNotUniqueWarning | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | The display name, "{0}", is already in use by another job and could cause confusion and delay. | 表示用プロジェクト名 "{0}" は他のプロジェクトで使用されているため、 区別できないことがあります。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Jenkins.CheckDisplayName.NameNotUniqueWarning | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | The display name, "{0}", is used as a name by a job and could cause confusing search results. | 表示用プロジェクト名 "{0}" はプロジェクト名として既に使用されているため、検索結果で区別できないことがあります。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Jenkins.NotAllowedName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | "{0}" is not allowed name | "{0}" は許可されない名前です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Job.AllRecentBuildFailed | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | All recent builds failed. | 最近の全てのビルドは失敗しました。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Job.BuildStability | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build stability: {0} | 安定したビルド: {0} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Job.NOfMFailed | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} out of the last {1} builds failed. | 最近の{1}個中、{0}個ビルドに失敗しました。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Job.NoRecentBuildFailed | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | No recent builds failed. | 最近のビルドは失敗してません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Job.Pronoun | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Project | プロジェクト | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Job.minutes | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | mins | 分 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Label.GroupOf | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | group of {0} | {0} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Label.InvalidLabel | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | invalid label | 不正なラベル | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Label.ProvisionedFrom | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Provisioned from {0} | {0}から供給 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ListView.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | List View | リストビュー | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | LoadStatistics.Legends.BusyExecutors | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Busy executors | ビジーエグゼキューター数 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | LoadStatistics.Legends.QueueLength | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Queue length | ビルドキュー長 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | LoadStatistics.Legends.TotalExecutors | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Total executors | エグゼキューター総数 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ManageJenkinsAction.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Manage Jenkins | Jenkinsの管理 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | MyView.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | My View | マイビュー | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | MyViewsProperty.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | My Views | My Views | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | MyViewsProperty.GlobalAction.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | My Views | My Views | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | MyViewsProperty.ViewExistsCheck.AlreadyExists | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | A view with name {0} already exists | "{0}"というビューは既に存在します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | MyViewsProperty.ViewExistsCheck.NotExist | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | A view with name {0} does not exist | "{0}"というビューはありません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Node.BecauseNodeIsReserved | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} is reserved for jobs tied to it | {0} は当該ノードに割り当てられたジョブが予約しています。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Node.LabelMissing | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} doesn’t have label {1} | {0} にはラベル {1} は設定されていません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Node.Mode.EXCLUSIVE | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Leave this machine for tied jobs only | このマシーンを特定ジョブ専用にする | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Node.Mode.NORMAL | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Utilize this slave as much as possible | このスレーブをできるだけ利用する | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ParameterAction.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Parameters | パラメータ | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ParametersDefinitionProperty.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Parameters | パラメータ | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | PasswordParameterDefinition.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Password Parameter | パスワード | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Permalink.LastBuild | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Last build | 最新のビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Permalink.LastFailedBuild | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Last failed build | 最新の失敗ビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Permalink.LastStableBuild | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Last stable build | 最新の安定ビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Permalink.LastSuccessfulBuild | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Last successful build | 最新の成功ビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Permalink.LastUnstableBuild | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Last unstable build | 最新の不安定ビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Permalink.LastUnsuccessfulBuild | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Last unsuccessful build | 最新の不成功ビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ProxyView.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Include a global view | グローバルビューの複製 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ProxyView.NoSuchViewExists | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Global view {0} does not exist | "{0}"というグローバルビューはありません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Queue.AllNodesOffline | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | All nodes of label ‘{0}’ are offline | ラベル ''{0}'' のすべてのノードはオフラインです。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Queue.BlockedBy | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Blocked by {0} | {0}にブロックされています。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Queue.HudsonIsAboutToShutDown | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Jenkins is about to shut down | Jenkinsはシャットダウン中です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Queue.InProgress | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | A build is already in progress | ビルドはすでに実行中です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Queue.InQuietPeriod | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | In the quiet period. Expires in {0} | 待機中です。あと{0}です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Queue.NodeOffline | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} is offline | {0} はオフラインです。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Queue.Unknown | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | ??? | ??? | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Queue.WaitingForNextAvailableExecutor | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Waiting for next available executor | 利用可能な次のエグゼキューターを待っています。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Queue.WaitingForNextAvailableExecutorOn | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Waiting for next available executor on {0} | {0}で利用可能な次のエグゼキューターを待っています。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Queue.init | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Restoring the build queue | ビルドキューを復元中です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ResultTrend.Aborted | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Aborted | 中断 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ResultTrend.Failure | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Failure | 失敗 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ResultTrend.Fixed | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Fixed | 修正 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ResultTrend.NotBuilt | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Not built | 未ビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ResultTrend.NowUnstable | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Now unstable | 不安定 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ResultTrend.StillFailing | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Still failing | 失敗中 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ResultTrend.StillUnstable | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Still unstable | 不安定中 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ResultTrend.Success | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Success | 成功 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | ResultTrend.Unstable | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Unstable | 不安定 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.ArtifactsPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission grants the ability to retrieve the artifacts produced by builds. If you don’t want an user to access the artifacts, you can do so by revoking this permission. | ビルドによる成果物の取得を許可します。もし、ユーザーに許可しない場合は、この権限を与えないでください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.BuildAborted | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build was aborted | ビルドを中止しました。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.DeletePermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission allows users to manually delete specific builds from the build history. | ビルド履歴からの特定ビルドの削除を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.InProgressDuration | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} and counting | {0} 以上 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.MarkedExplicitly | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This record is explicitly marked to be kept. | 記録を残すためにマークします。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Permissions.Title | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Run | ビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.Aborted | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | aborted | 中断 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.BackToNormal | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | back to normal | 正常に復帰 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.BrokenForALongTime | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | broken for a long time | 長期間故障中 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.BrokenSince | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | broken since build {0} | ビルド{0}から故障 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.BrokenSinceThisBuild | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | broken since this build | このビルドから故障 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.LessTestsFailing | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} less {0,choice,0#tests are|1#test is|1<tests are} failing (total {1}) | {0}個の{0,choice,0#テスト|1#テスト|1<テスト}が回復 (合計 {1}) | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.MoreTestsFailing | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} more {0,choice,0#tests are|1#test is|1<tests are} failing (total {1}) | {0}個の{0,choice,0#テスト|1#テスト|1<テスト}が更に失敗 (合計 {1}) | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.NotBuilt | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | not built | 未ビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.Stable | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | stable | 安定 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.TestFailures | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} {0,choice,0#test failures|1#test failure|1<test failures} | {0}個の{0,choice,0#テスト失敗|1#テスト失敗|1<テスト失敗} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.TestsStartedToFail | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} {0,choice,0#tests|1#test|1<tests} started to fail | {0}個の{0,choice,0#テスト|1#テスト|1<テスト}が失敗 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.TestsStillFailing | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} {0,choice,0#tests are|1#test is|1<tests are} still failing | {0}個の{0,choice,0#テスト|1#テスト|1<テスト}がまだ失敗 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.Unknown | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | ? | ? | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.Summary.Unstable | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | unstable | 不安定 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.UnableToDelete | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Unable to delete {0}: {1} | {0}を削除できません。: {1} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Run.UpdatePermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission allows users to update description and other properties of a build, for example to leave notes about the cause of a build failure. | ビルド失敗の原因に関するメモを残すなど、ビルドの説明や他の属性の更新を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | RunParameterDefinition.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Run Parameter | ビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Slave.InvalidConfig.Executors | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Invalid slave configuration for {0}. Invalid # of executors. | スレーブ {0} の設定に誤りがあります。同時実行数が不正です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Slave.InvalidConfig.NoName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Invalid slave configuration. Name is empty | スレーブの設定に誤りがあります。名前が未設定です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Slave.InvalidConfig.NoRemoteDir | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Invalid slave configuration for {0}. No remote directory given | スレーブ {0} の設定に誤りがあります。リモートFSルートが未設定です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Slave.Launching | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} Launching slave agent | スレーブエージェントを起動しました。{0} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Slave.Network.Mounted.File.System.Warning | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Are you sure you want to use network mounted file system for FS root? Note that this directory does not need to be visible to the master. | 本当にFSルートとしてネットワークマウントされたファイルシステムを使用したいですか? このディレクトリはマスターに見える必要は無いことに注意してください。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Slave.Remote.Director.Mandatory | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Remote directory is mandatory | リモートディレクトリは必須です。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Slave.Terminated | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | {0} slave agent was terminated | スレーブエージェントを終了しました。{0} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Slave.UnableToLaunch | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Unable to launch the slave agent for {0}{1} | スレーブエージェント {0} を起動できませんでした。{1} | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Slave.UnixSlave | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This is a Unix slave | これはUnixのスレーブです。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | Slave.WindowsSlave | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This is a Windows slave | これはWindowsのスレーブです。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | StringParameterDefinition.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | String Parameter | 文字列 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | TextParameterDefinition.DisplayName | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Text Parameter | テキスト | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.DownloadButNotActivated | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Downloaded Successfully. Will be activated during the next boot | 正常にダウンロードしました。次のブート時に有効になります。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.builder | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build Tools | ビルドツール | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.buildwrapper | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build Wrappers | ビルドラッパー | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.cli | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Command Line Interface | コマンドラインインタフェース | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.cluster | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Cluster Management and Distributed Build | クラスター管理/分散ビルド | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.external | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | External Site/Tool Integrations | 外部サイト/ツールとの連携 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.listview-column | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | List view columns | リストビューカラム | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.maven | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Maven | Maven | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.misc | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Miscellaneous | その他 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.must-be-labeled | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Uncategorized | 未分類 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.notifier | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build Notifiers | ビルド通知 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Page Decorators | ページデコレーター | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Other Post-Build Actions | ビルド後のアクション | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build Reports | ビルドレポート | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.scm | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Source Code Management | ソース管理システム | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.scm-related | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Source Code Management related | ソース管理システム関連 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.slaves | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Slave Launchers and Controllers | スレーブの起動と管理 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.trigger | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Build Triggers | ビルドトリガ | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.ui | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | User Interface | ユーザーインタフェース | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.unrecognized | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Misc ({0}) | Misc ({0}) | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.upload | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Artifact Uploaders | 成果物のアップロード | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.PluginCategory.user | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Authentication and User Management | 認証/ユーザー管理 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.Status.CheckingInternet | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Checking internet connectivity | インターネットとの接続をチェックします。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.Status.CheckingJavaNet | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Checking update center connectivity | jenkins-ci.orgとの接続をチェックします。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.Status.ConnectionFailed | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | <span class=error>Failed to connect to {0}. Perhaps you need to <a href="../pluginManager/advanced">configure HTTP proxy?</a></span> | <span class=error>{0} との接続に失敗しました。 たぶん、<a href="../pluginManager/advanced">HTTPプロクシーを設定</a>する必要があります。</span> | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.Status.Success | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Success | 成功 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.Status.UnknownHostException | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | <span class=error>Failed to resolve host name {0}. Perhaps you need to <a href="../pluginManager/advanced">configure HTTP proxy?</a></span> | <span class=error>ホスト名 {0}の解決に失敗しました。 たぶん、<a href="../pluginManager/advanced">HTTPプロクシーを設定</a>する必要があります。</span> | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | UpdateCenter.init | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | Initialing update center | アップデートセンターの初期化中 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | View.ConfigurePermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission allows users to change the configuration of views. | ビューの設定変更を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | View.CreatePermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission allows users to create new views. | 新規ビューの作成を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | View.DeletePermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission allows users to delete existing views. | 既存のビューの削除を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | View.MissingMode | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | No view type is specified | ビューの種類が選択されていません。 | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | View.Permissions.Title | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | View | ビュー | (old value) | | | |
OUTDATED | View.ReadPermission.Description | 20.09.2013 10:05:40, no SCM information | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | This permission allows users to see views (implied by generic read access). | ビューの参照を許可します。 | (old value) | | | |
ORPHANED | revoking | | 29.04.2013 12:15:14, no SCM information | | this permission. |